Saturday, 17 September 2011

To the ends of the earth... Hillsong

Wonderful number to be introduced this week by Emma.... Nice nice song for worship

God Bless

He Knows My Name.. Tommy Walker

I want to thank Priscilla for introducing this song in church last Sunday. Really a beautiful number. I has truly touched my heart and move my soul.

May all of you who listen to this be blessed....

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Sentamizhachi Shane Xtreme/ Combat'z

For some reason I just love this song....

Sunday, 21 August 2011

My Thanksgiving Testimony

I met in a massive car accident on the 30th July 2011. My great neighbour uncle has blogged all about it in his blog : So you can see all my photographs and my reporter's version of the whole incident (smiles). Anyway I went to church over the weekend and gave my testimony and thought I want to dedicate this post to everyone who is reading my blog. It's a reflection of "How God works in mysterious ways"

My testimony in front of a full crowded congregations goes like this :......

Good morning everyone. I just want to Praise the Lord and give all glory to Jesus Christ for His amazing love and grace towards me. As many of you already know, I knocked into a lamp post on my way to church for the family camp after stopping by at Rawang McDonalds to buy coffee.

Projected (in church I projected the picture of my car which is the same as per the link provided earlier) is the picture of the extensive damage of my car as captured by my professional photographer - My sister-in-law!

I'm sure many of you question, how it all happened? Honestly, I myself do not know how it all happened. But what can I say is that it had happened and I was not sleeping. I just can't myself how could I have derailed myself from a road that was so familiar to me. I dont have answers to how it happened but I will say that it was truly Jesus who saved me.

Once I realized I have knocked something, I saw something like a fire explosion and shouted "Praise you Jesus, Praise you Lord". I rushedd out of the car grabbing my handphone and continued shouting at the empty road, "Thank you Jesus, Praise you Lord, I am steady". God gave me the strenght at the point of time so that I won't panic or cry. My 1st call was to teacher Catherine, Mrs. Vincent Mani to find out and see if they have left to church. After that 2 chinese guys came. I managed to call my house and the chinese guyz took me to the nearby clinic.

For what I was in, I would say 5 stitches on the leg, hand and body bruising was very minimal. I questioned what would have happened if the airbags malfunctioned that day. I'm sure my face would have banged the sterring wheel causing injury to my face. The amazing thing about this is that my car window did not even have a scratch on it.

That night after doing my police report and towing my 26 day old car back to Proton showroom - along Kesas highwar, I asked God while thanking Him for rescuing me "Why Lord did I shout Praise you Jesus, Praise you Lord instead of Save me Jesus, Save me Lord. I just dont understand this Lord". As I was praying later I got this verse, Psalms 34 vs 1 : I will extol the Lord at all times, His praise will always be on my lips". I know God has a purpose for me and it's not been the same since after the accident for me. But I truly trust and know He is going to work something big out of all this for me.

Before I end I just want to thank once again our Loving Gracious Heavenly Father Jesus Christ for allowing me to stand here today. Thank you also Vincent anne and family for constantly making sure I was okay and ensuring no one cheated us on that day with the reporting and car towing issues. I thank both of our pastors and church memebers who have been keeping me in your prayers and also all those who visited.

One lession all of us can learn from my ordeal is that to be "berhati-hati di jalanraya" and a big note to myself - EXTRA berhati-hati di jalanraya. Thank You