Complexed Me and Myself
Saturday, 17 September 2011
To the ends of the earth... Hillsong
God Bless
He Knows My Name.. Tommy Walker
May all of you who listen to this be blessed....
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Sunday, 21 August 2011
My Thanksgiving Testimony
My testimony in front of a full crowded congregations goes like this :......
For what I was in, I would say 5 stitches on the leg, hand and body bruising was very minimal. I questioned what would have happened if the airbags malfunctioned that day. I'm sure my face would have banged the sterring wheel causing injury to my face. The amazing thing about this is that my car window did not even have a scratch on it.
That night after doing my police report and towing my 26 day old car back to Proton showroom - along Kesas highwar, I asked God while thanking Him for rescuing me "Why Lord did I shout Praise you Jesus, Praise you Lord instead of Save me Jesus, Save me Lord. I just dont understand this Lord". As I was praying later I got this verse, Psalms 34 vs 1 : I will extol the Lord at all times, His praise will always be on my lips". I know God has a purpose for me and it's not been the same since after the accident for me. But I truly trust and know He is going to work something big out of all this for me.
Before I end I just want to thank once again our Loving Gracious Heavenly Father Jesus Christ for allowing me to stand here today. Thank you also Vincent anne and family for constantly making sure I was okay and ensuring no one cheated us on that day with the reporting and car towing issues. I thank both of our pastors and church memebers who have been keeping me in your prayers and also all those who visited.
One lession all of us can learn from my ordeal is that to be "berhati-hati di jalanraya" and a big note to myself - EXTRA berhati-hati di jalanraya. Thank You
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Thank You All for Being Great
So the past few weeks have been a roller coaster. It was definitely too much for me to handle - the rough ride from work, home and to my personal life. I just have too many stories to write but as usual TIME is my no exceptional excuse. It’s just so weird to even analyze myself that past few weeks as I have been labeled cold, annoying and a hard headed log to be around with compared to my usual bubbly, joking, and optimistic nature. But thank God that in every rough situation He always show’s us a door to break out from whatever nut we are in.
So last week after all the drama hitting my soul, I got some time off as doctor declared me “temporary insane” for two days. He took that two days to calm me or I’ll rather say pacify me. Was just home relaxing and for the first time not missing office, I messaged my colleague to ask him how was the potluck gathering going on as the office were celebrating our 5S certification victory. Well I did not miss office but I did message my colleague was weird I KNOW but I just had to know what everyone was having as I was on a very strict diet!! (I was!!!) His immediate reaction was “you nonsense women!! We are all here celebrating you and you are on mc!!! Great!!!”. One minute I was puzzled as to why are my office mate celebrating me when it was after all joined effort. And then my colleague – Ken said that Aida (another colleague) actually got me something which he wasn’t going to mention. Being very curious as my name CAT, I kept guessing as to what the surprise could be and Ken just denied through.
Anyway the CAT was no more curious when Wahida (another colleague) actually MMS’ed me a picture of what was it I missed. I was moved. The mountain in me just crushed. Below was my surprise.

Thank you EJ, Aida, Noli, Shiza, Weed, Noami, Marlina, Zul, Ken and the other boyzzzz (who may not know anything about this) hahahah. It's so typical sometimes that only women do things like this as this is why we are better than them in COMMUNICATIONS :) heheheheheh
Having come back now to office now after being pacified, I feel the difference around me as Ken and the rest say "THank GOD!! U R back and good after seeing that DR or we would have KILLED U!!!" heheheh. That's how annoying and irritating I was.
Just weird, I never saw myself like that.... I saw me being a lot more patience and quiet.... and now I hear ..............."MY ASSS!!!!" hahahahaha. Good to be back to myself and I'm sure a loads of you don't understand what the freak am I rumbling here and to you, just a note... I'm Back to Blogging!!!!!!!
Love ya!!!!!
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Specially Dedicated to u Seb :)
The lyrics to Hate that I love you so (Rihanna).
That’s how much I love you
That’s how much I need you
And I can’t stand ya
Must everything you do make me wanna smile
Can I not like it for awhile
No.. but you won’t let me
You upset me girl, then you kiss my lips
All of a sudden I forget that I was upset
Can’t remember what you did
Well I hate it
You know exactly what to do
So that I can’t stay mad at you
For too long, that’s wrong
Girl, I hate it
You know exactly how to touch
So that I don’t wanna fuss and fight no more
So I despise that I adore you
And I hate how much I love you boy
I can’t stand how much I need you
And I hate how much I love you boy
But I just can’t let you go
And I hate that I love you so..
And you completely know the power that you have
The only one that makes me laugh
Sad and it’s not fair how you take advantage of the fact that I
Love you beyond the reason why
And it just ain’t right
And I hate how much I love you girl
I can’t stand how much I need you
And I hate how much I love you girl
But I just can’t let you go
And I hate that I love you so
(I know the chords here aren't bang on right, but they do work)
One of these days maybe your magic won’t affect me
And your kiss won’t make me weak
But no one in this world knows me the way you know me
So you’ll probably always have a spell on me
That’s how much I love you
How much I need you
That’s how much I need you
That’s how much I love you
That’s how much I need you
And I hate that I love you so--
And I hate how much I love you boy
I can’t stand how much I need you
And I hate how much I love you boy
But I just can’t let you go
And I hate that I love you so
And I hate that I love you so.. so..
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Some people love suspense and thrill. They just hate to be told what’s forecasted in advance. As for me personally, I’m just generally impatient. I love to know everything that’s happening. Call me Ms.Nosy pot and I’ll still have a thick skin to just smile it through or even give you back a comment to only show I’m not bruised by what’s been said! Though I think there are times I love the suspense and thrill (only if it has something to move me emotionally) but AMERICAN IDOL!!! I doubt there is any risk involved here, whether I know the results in advance before watching it live or reading the remarks and results online before watching it on TV.
Initially I’ll admit I wasn’t a fan of American Idol, but since the last season I’ll say I’ve been one among the many who has this huge crush on American’s Top Talent Show’s Meanest’s Judge – Mr. Simon Cowell. The more sadness this year to watch Idol since my darling is engaged and also the fact it’s his last season. But that’s not what I wanted to blog about… Anyway sometimes I do read the comments and the show results online before watching them live on Astro. This is because with my work and time I can only manage to see the reruns on weekends. So to keep myself updated sometimes I read it online and sometimes I am forced to read it online – thanks to my best friend Jennifer. Though Jenny’s (as I call her in short) has been warned never to tell me the results before hand, she never listens. She in fact has become more creative these days as she just comes online and says “Hi, so and so is out. And I beat you to it… ok byeeeeeeee” and signs off. As annoying as she is at that point (because I rather read it online first), she’s my best friend and no way will I hold her for just this small thing.
So last week we had the top 9 performance, and as usual Thursday –results day came and Jenny as usual came online and told me the shocking news that "Michael Lynche (picture below) out but saved by judges". My heart just started beating fast because I could not believe he would be in the bottom 3 even as he was so good.
Being emotional and surprised about this whole thing I turned to my cousin sister and asked her to guess about the whole bottom 3 and she was a little surprised too. But I was happy end of the day that he was saved unlike my cousin sister who went on saying questioning why did the judges use their one save so fast. But anyway it has already been done which means this week 2 will be going home.
Right after lunch, Janet – my cousin, asked me to ask her brother – which is my cousin brother if he knows the results. Below is the conversation between me and Joshy my cousin.
Me : joshy, do u follow American Idol?
Joshy : no i dont!!! anyway i just told janet, please dont spoil the suspense...
Me : she is an idiot
Joshy : lolz..
Me: Janet told me “akka, u ask my brother n see.... he want to know the results or not?”
To keep him in suprise and in suspence, I told Joshy that "beware of the biggest suprise of your life with the resutls... the best women leaves". So night came and he went home and saw the show and indeed was conned by me as no one left last week. Janet then told her brother, "so how was akka's suprise?". Joshy answered, "this akka is going to get it from me. From next week on I'm blocking her from my list so she does not do this again". I had a good laugh getting updates from cousin Janet on this the next day.
Anyway today the top 9 performs again and tomorrow is Thursday - back to results show. To irritate Joshy again I wrote to him :
Me : Joshy don’t forget to keep your phone on tomorrow
Joshy : hahaha akka don’t forget tomorrow I’m blocking CathyRani
Me : no point as I’ll be on half day and I’ll just sms you
Joshy: no... I can see from the message la akka. I can choose not to open. Why are u being so evil.... Cant u just let the info be with u!!
Hahahah I guess I can but I don't want too. It's so nice sometimes knowing that you are trying to irritate the one you love but being in self denial that actually they are not irritated but more of playing the game you started... Guess that's just me and my cousins... full of love. ahahahah. No matter what said and done, end of the day we are still family and we can't show faces for too long. So Joshy I love you da my God brother no matter what and so my God sister Janet.
Haiiiiiiii Simon.... sorry I can't love you anymore as your heart belongs to someone else....... sad sad sad. I just hope whoever is in to win American Idol, really deserves it.
All the best to the top 9 again and may the genuine below 2 be the ones who really deserve to be out of the competition.....
And so as my header as said it, tomorrow to my cousin Joshy is "Block akka day" hrmm at least till he sees the results himself!!! hahahah
GOd Bless